
Purpose of Life

Let us assume that the purpose of our existence is X, and we don’t know anything about X at the time of birth. We are also given a time frame T (time until death) to accomplish X. T is also unknown at the time of birth. While pursuing the path to accomplish X, we need to survive. Survival includes both physical and mental well-being. Considering the state of the world that we live in, our survival requires owning good amount of money and  miscellaneous  resources. There are two ways for us to go about owning this money (or resources) -- inheriting it from our previous generation or earning it ourselves. For most people, inheritance is not explicitly stated and we are directed to choose the second option. Earning this money requires us to run a business or work at someone else’s business, over a long period of time. This work consumes a good part of our time (T1) and additionally, it also has its toll on our health -- both mental and physical. The type and extent of effect depends on th

Visit to Singapore | Nov 2019

This is going to be more of an informative post where I would be sharing details about my last Singapore visit as a tourist. So, let's get started. Getting the Visa Disclaimer : This section's content is strictly meant for Indian citizens with valid Indian Passport only. The individual details particularly around the Visa process and documents would vary if you do not qualify under this criteria. The pre-requisites to the Visa process include booking onward-and-return flight tickets and hotel booking in the foreign country. I made all the bookings about a month before the actual visit. There are two ways to go about getting the visa -- Through a local contact in Singapore. If you have a local contact in Singapore (Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents aged 21 years and above) to sponsor you, that local contact can apply for the visa on your behalf. (You can visit this  for further details.). Through one of the Singapore Overseas Mission centres. Apply direc